This station really makes me ill.
Two right wing hacks disguised as anchors (Joe Kernen and Michele Caruso-Cabrera, both staunchly to the right of Bewsh 43, both with anti-Progressive, pro-Laissez-Fail books out) are interviewing one of the worst human beings known to mankind, Neutron Jack Welch, all for the purpose of 1-2 hours HATE.
Hate on regulations ("we need to freeze all regulation until unemployment falls" . . . :wtf: ), hate on labor costs . . . but love for American "more with less off-the-charts" productivity, of course.
Hate on government, particularly Democratic ones, says it needs to be shrunk (yawn). Don't really know why Neutron Jackoff thinks that a center-right government that gives wealthy pieces of shit like him everything they want goes against his philosophies. Don't know how he's hating on a government that, by all evidence, IS decreasing, but we'll still continue to allow him to rant and red-bait, I guess. It's GE's "news" channel, so I guess that means we'll think what they tell us to think. :eyes:
Hate on the jobs bill, which, according to him "has clauses that are not going to get people to hire".
I mean, how bad of a bastard . . . how big a piece of shit do you have to be when you think that a government that's practically bending over backwards to give corporations and businesses and the wealthy everything they want and not making life even an atom speck less comfortable . . . isn't fascist ENOUGH for you??