These are some quotes I picked up from other websites boards talking about the shooting. I liked them and thought I would share.
"If you have to ask if political rhetoric played a part in a multiple homicide shooting rampage, perhaps the poll answers shouldn't be the deciding factor on whether you need to tone it down."
"Certainly political rhetoric did not cause the unfortunate events in Tucson. Of course, if your political rhetoric even potentially intersects with the actions of a madman, perhaps you should reexamine your rhetoric?"
"He chose to assassinate a politician. He knew she was a politician, and he went after her at a political event. It's denying reality to claim that his actions were completely apolitical."
"Right wing violence. Isolated incidents. Each and every one of them."
"Don't be ridiculous. People exist in vacuums. They don't develop anti-abortion, RON PAUL gold standard, NWO-style mind control world views from anything but their own psychosis."
"All evidence shows he had no political motives. Only if you ignore the parts about the gold standard, the Federal Reserve, and the other anti-government rants. Yeah, well, other than that, nothing political."
"There's an agenda at play here, of course. The talking points of "isolated incidences" and "it's just the crazy" are intended to shift the topic away from the political rhetoric discussion. If we can discount outside influences in this case, we can later discount them elsewhere."
"The right says liberals are corrupt terrorists who will steal your property and steal elections, and that they are tyrants, and that tyranny must be fought with guns and blood. But as long as this didn't make THIS GUY snap, it's all OK?"