59 (Jackson-Lee, D-TX), the "Ex-Offender Voting Rights Act," would allow convicted felons to vote in Federal elections if these felons are denied the ability to vote by the State in which they reside;
H.R. 68 (Jackson-Lee, D-TX), the "No More Tulias: Drug Law Enforcement Evidentiary Standards Improvement Act," which would significantly limit States who fund anti-drug task forces from receiving Federal funding from the Edward J. Byrne Memorial Justice Assistant Grants program;
H.R. 73 (Jackson-Lee, D-TX), the "Traffic Stops Along the Border Statistics Study Act," would require the U.S. Attorney General to collect race and other data on traffic stops made by State and local law enforcement officers;
H.R. 1409 (Miller, D-CA), the "Employee Free Choice Act," which would replace the current democratic process of secret ballots in the selection or certification on a union as the bargaining units with a "card check" system;
H.R. 1459 (Scott, D-VA), the "Fairness in Cocaine Sentencing Act," would eliminate the increased and mandatory minimum sentences for drug offenses involving crack cocaine as well as repeal the existing restrictions on the court to grant probation or suspended sentences for drug offenses involving cocaine;
H.R. 3245 (Scott, D-VA), the "Fairness in Cocaine Sentencing Act," would eliminate the increased and mandatory minimum sentences for drug offenses involving crack cocaine;
H.R. 3251 (Gingrey, R-GA), legislation that would would repeal certain provisions of Title 5, United States Code, that allow Federal employees, including law enforcement officers, who represent their colleagues, to negotiate collective bargaining agreements on official time;
H.R. 3335 (Conyers, D-MI), the "Democracy Restoration Act," would allow convicted felons to vote in Federal elections if these felons are denied the ability to vote by the State in which they reside;
S. 560 (Kennedy, D-MA), the "Employee Free Choice Act," which would replace the current democratic process of secret ballots in the selection or certification on a union as the bargaining units with a "card check" system;
S. 650 (Feingold, D-WI), the "Federal Death Penalty Abolition Act," would abolish the death penalty option for all Federal crimes which currently carry that penalty;
S. 1789 (Durbin, D-IL), the "Fair Sentencing Act," would abolish the mandatory minimum for possession of crack cocaine and substantially reduce the penalties for other crack cocain offenses;
TOP PRIORITY Legislation which would mandate participation in Social Security for all newly hired State and local employees;
Legislation that would impose any tax, direct or indirect, on any employer-sponsored health coverage;
Legislation which would weaken the overtime protections for law enforcement officers in current Federal regulations;
Legislation or amendments that would have the effect of weakening P.L. 106-185, the "Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act of 2000";
Legislation which would create or fund "civilian review boards" of law enforcement at any level of government;
Legislation which would normalize relations with Cuba until that nation ceases to be a safe harbor for cop-killers and other fugitives
I cannot support such an organization.