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Not all in the Right-Wing are racists....

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FarLeftFist Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-24-11 10:38 PM
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Not all in the Right-Wing are racists....
But their policies are so ferociously anti-poor and anti-middle class that "racist" is OK shorthand. Here's why IMHO.

There is a striking similarity between todays conservatives and the southern white Confederates of the Civil War. The origins of the Civil War began after Lincoln's victory and before his administration even took office (sound familiar?), 11 southern states declared their secession from the United States (sound familiar? Rick Perry, Healthcare waivers, "He's YOUR president", etc). Abraham Lincoln, an Illinois resident campaigned on the platform of Unity (starting to sound familiar? Illinois? Unity? Barack Obama?).

These 11 Confederate states wanted to keep in place the laws of slavery and its legality while they felt threatened by the landslide victories of the anti-slavery platform of Lincoln's party across the Nation (Think: the huge majority the Dems won in 2008 and the conservatives sudden hyper-paranoia) and decided to secede from the Union and put in place their own President and Govt. (follow the symbolism, they don't consider Obama their president, they have put in place Bachmann and her ilk of the week, and their Govt is FOX news, they live in a whole different world, separated from reality).

The year is now 1861 and they don't even fly the same flag. The Confederates flew the Confederate flag (while today's conservatives/tea party fly their own flag). One thing we know is, neither one's are flying the U.S. Flag. How.....Anti-American, yet eerily similar.

The common white Confederate civilian was poor. Dirt poor. Poverty stretched far and wide in the southern states. The common white Confederate civilian was extremely envious of the rich slave-owners, but not jealous. See, A HUGE majority of southern whites DID NOT own slaves, instead the poor white Confederates wanted to keep slavery alive because as long as it existed they were bumped up the social ladder, even though they may have been in the same economic situation as many slaves it means they wouldn't be considered low man on the totem-pole in society (I'm sure the similarities here are now unquestionably obvious).

The reason today's conservatives hate equality and the rise of the poor and working class, even though many of them are in the same social and economic class as those they oppress, is because that oppression keeps them from having to face the stark realization that they are in fact no better than the ones they hate. Hate is very important to the conservative mind-set. Again, just like the Civil War, today's conservatives are protecting the rich i.e. the slave owners, because as long as they continue to cast their vote for the party of oppression, fear, and paranoia, they will always consider themselves above a certain class of people. They always have to have a 'Boogeyman'.

Conservatism and fear go hand in hand. A gentle marriage of hypocrisy and confirmation bias. It is a mental disorder in place to reject any kind of unity and compromise between people with a differing world-view. Diversity is not encouraged. Everyone must be the same cardboard cut-out of their warped ideology. When you hear about how conservatives hate liberals, 'liberals' is code word for blacks and so-called black apologists and everyone who fights for equality, liberty and justice for all. FOX news feeds them the rest of their hate and fuels their fire. 'Healthcare for all' is an absolute terror for their kind, the very thought of a minority in line at THEIR doctors office receiving quality affordable healthcare is their very own personal 9/11. No, no, no. That would be WAAAY too much of a social bump. The humanity!

The date is now April 12th, 1862 and the Confederates launch their first attack on the Union (Ironically, attacking the Unions, AND starting it, sound familiar?) at Ft. Sumter in SC. Fast forward 147 years later and the super-rich slave owners organize an astro-turf movement known as the Tea Party, their own army of clueless voters that fly a different flag, have talked about secession, are FOR the oppression of different races/classes/sexualities/religions, etc, vote outside their own best economic interests, anti-equality, racist, paranoid, and anti-Govt as the common white Confederate during the Civil War to now fight THEIR Civil War......Just like the past Civil War, the rich i.e. the slave owners send the poor to fight their battles.

Their first official rally on the Nation's capital, Washington DC, occurred on April 15th 2009, just days after the Confederates launched their first attack against the Union 147 years prior. The astro-turf movement called it a Tax Day Tea Party. Even though 98% of the people in the crowd received a TAX BREAK these hatriots were advocating AGAINST their own best interests....Just like the common Confederate of the past.

Most credit the origin of the Tea Party to Rick Santelli who stood on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and called for traders to protest the government's plan to provide mortgage assistance to distressed homeowners. Imagine that, an astro-turf movement created by the super-rich stock-brokers, hedge fund managers and banksters to employ a certain group of people who don't even share their same economic or social class to fight AGAINST Govt help for the average working class citizen.....Who happens to be EXACTLY.LIKE.THEM. Some of these people may even be their neighbors or family members who need the help.

Why would they do that? Because that would be WAAAY too much of a bump up the social ladder towards an equal and prosperous Nation. That would be WAAAY too much Govt interference. How dare we have a President or Govt willing to help it's citizens during their darkest hour! The biggest trick they ever pulled is making everyone believe conservatives actually care about being fiscally conservative (when? name a conservative president that didn't triple the deficit), NO, what they really care about is extreme social conservatism and paranoid xenophobic racism classism and sexism. They must maintain their social status by all means necessary. They are afraid of the outside world. To them it is scary, diverse, and multi-national world where they may have to converse with someone who doesn't worship God, Guns, and Religion.

This is why the Tea Party can be easily identified as racist, because underneath it all, it is an Anti-Equality movement. Just like the Civil War was.

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FrenchieCat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-24-11 10:50 PM
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1. You know, a lot of folks didn't know why........
Most credit the origin of the Tea Party to Rick Santelli who stood on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and called for traders to protest the government's plan to provide mortgage assistance to distressed homeowners.

Thanks for helping us remember. I remember it well, but a lot of people don't.

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FarLeftFist Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Sep-25-11 12:43 PM
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3. Yeah, another example of the rich waging class warfare on our citizens.
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FarLeftFist Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-24-11 10:51 PM
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2. Sidenote: To these people a Govt that is willing to HELP it's citizens is Socialist.
Therefore regardless of the pain, suffering, poverty, or death, these people are just collateral damage of a free market. LET THEM DIE! FORCE THEM TO HAVE BABIES AND IF THEY CAN'T AFFORD INSURANCE LET THEIR CHILDREN DIE! Make them feel PAIN!
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