Sunday September 25, 2011
By Christopher Burbach
Photo: preparing to tear down the old Weston's Bar at 21st and Cuming Street, Creighton building services employee Ken Juhl went through the building one last time, to see if anything had been left behind. He found a WWII-era U.S. Army overcoat that may have been separated from its owner in 1946. The soldier's initials and serial number were inside. Juhl decided to track down the soldier, Roy McNealy, and return his coat. He had died, but they found his family in a small town Missouri, and gave the coat to his widow, Marie.
Kenny Juhl climbed the stairs into the hot, dark attic of a vacant building near downtown Omaha.
The structure at 21st and Cuming Streets was about to be demolished as part of future Creighton University development.
Juhl, who works in construction management for Creighton, was taking a final walk-through before crews began to tear out asbestos and lead. He wanted to check for anything worth saving.
As it turned out, something valuable lingered.
Juhl shined a flashlight over boxes and other junk as he stepped across the creaky floor. He rounded a corner.
He stopped the flashlight beam on a long, dark object against a wall: a men's woolen overcoat, hung on a nail.
FULL story & more photos at link.