For all intents and purposes, we are in a second Great Depression. Despite electing a Democratic president that offered HOPE and CHANGE, instead we get political theater and football. Instead of solutions that get to the root cause of the problem, we get band-aid solutions because it’s politically cheaper than taking action. Instead of private business actually taking action, we get business as usual.
In the meantime, people of all walks of life are suffering, unless you’re rich or well-to-do. People who had jobs can’t find any. Even if they get one, it will have wages that will not be able to make ends meet. College graduates face the worst job market ever in our lifetimes. Instead of getting a job, their future is a hopeless set of dead-end part-time jobs where they won’t be able to get a job that will enable to have their own living. Why is that: Because the private business leaders figured out how to make more profit, by hiring less people.
They already got huge cash reserves of all the profit they make, and they are willing to hire more people if they want to in order to reduce the already inexcusable unemployment rate. Instead they found out you can make a lot more profit by hiring less people. The rest of the reasons why companies are truly not hiring, like rejecting unemployed people from the start, or adding bullshit requirements are on top of this. Well let me tell you the root cause of the economy problem. IT’S THE INCOME YOU FAT CAT! The reason why the economy is in the dumps is because people are not spending enough money! The economic stimulus has worked, but it only applied for providing funding for works that were planned to be completed but didn’t had the money. The best way to jump-start the economy is through both sides: infrastructure and the consumer side.
On the infrastructure side: President Obama needs to create a massive public works program aimed on repairing our already weakened infrastructure and building new ones. Bridges, roads, buildings, railways if it needs to be repaired, repair it. If it needs to be built new, build it new. That would be a great opportunity to electrify our already pathetic railway system to make it useful and more powerful. Electrify the railways, then add more trains, then build more railways to almost every part of the country that can facility it. There’s no need for this high speed railway bullshit. The railways part alone will build millions of jobs and revitalize communities, even remote ones to tourism and business!
On the consumer side, we need something more radical. Why not implement income support, why not give people 2,000 dollars a month to allow people to pay rent, buy food, utilities and other necessities of life and some left over as disposable income! It can easily replace section 8, food stamps, utility assistance programs. If you make under $25,000dollars a year and have savings of less than $10,000, over 16 years of age and you are currently in some kind of education, training, vocational, or employment, you should be eligible! With income support to pay for the necessities, they can use the wages from their job as disposable income! This will get people to buy stuff and drive our economy!
These two solutions will get to the heart of the economic crisis and possibly end poverty and homelessness once and for all, and possibly this Second Great Depression.