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My friend told me a political story years ago:

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PCIntern Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-14-11 12:27 PM
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My friend told me a political story years ago:
He was a dentist up in the Williamsport, PA area, where the true unemployment rate is probably way over 25%. He said that if a politician came into the area to run for office, could guarantee tens of thousands of new jobs, a repaired infrastructure, new schools and salaries for teachers and administrators, a new public works department, great cable TV, and a lowering of taxes to zero or near-zero BUT in order to do so, would require the outlawing of private ownership of bazookas, he'd lose the election in a landslide.

He himself had what I would call an arsenal - it looked like one of those cabinets in a James Bond film where everyone from SPECTRE draws their weapons as they rush to stop the army assigned to raid the compound, and he told me that that wa nothing compared to most homes up there.
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Ten Bears Donating Member (183 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-14-11 02:45 PM
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1. Another anecdote:
I was told by an African-American friend that her pastor knew how to get gun control laws passed. He said that next Sunday he would tell his congregation to all go to Wal-Mart and buy all of their guns. He said you would see gun control laws passed by Monday.
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