really know that it's that close?
We always hear that it's got to be close enough for them to steal, yet there seems to be a disconnect between what most of us experience as reality and what the polls show.
Part of it's messaging and even how the question is asked as far as the results go.. but when you talk to people, even those slightly to the left of the average Teabagger, they tend to be for the things that most of us would agree on - like upping the tax rate on the monied class before cutting benefits for Social Security.
A new poll gets released, the talking heads on TV dutifully report it - occasionally with "shock" at the results. The print press writes it up, the opinion writers bleed more ink in explaining why it's not shocking or what candidate/politician should take away from the results.... You know the routine, in short time it sinks into the common wisdom and is fairly accepted by most folks as accurate.
But after seeing the game playing from things like S&P in fairly blatant ways the enrich them and tend to push their political leanings - why is there not more question about the accuracy/integrity of the pollsters (beyond the known bias that slips through with places like Rasmussen)?
It's a bit like that joke my mom used to make when different commercials used to come on - "9 out of 10 dentists recommended XXXX" - can also mean 9 out of 100 dentists recommended it, we're just not going to tell you about the other 90 who said it was crap.