Is he writing this because the President wrote Dreams From My Father and he is setting himself up for 2016?
From Florida House speaker to U.S. senator to vice-presidential short-lister to … best-selling author?
Marco Rubio, the West-Miami Republican tea party favorite, is about to write about his life story, his political thoughts and the story of his improbable victory last year in the Senate race vs. former Gov. Charlie Crist.
“I think we have something to say,” said Rubio in what might be the biggest understatement from one of the most eloquent of elected conservatives.
“I’d like to tell a little bit about my upbringing, and how my upbringing has led me to some of the policy conclusions I’ve reached,” he said. “And I’d like to tell about the campaign, my time in the Legislature.”
Rubio, 40, not only carries the conservative message with a perfect pitch, he represents an idealized version of the American dream as the son of immigrants who rocketed to political stardom in just a few years.
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