BBC: President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali forced outThis is BIG. A democratic - and largely secular - revolution in the Arab world. And while it's being almost entirely ignored by the American newsmedia, it's HUGE news in the ME, dominating coverage on Al Jazeera - it has already helped spawn major protests in neighboring Algeria, and is causing unrest in Egypt as well.
News blackout means reports are still murky, but Al Jazeera reporters are tweeting:
29 days of defiance to one of the strongest regimes in the world. Regime is falling today,
People are still on the streets.. some seen hugging and kissing soldiers in joy
The family of Ben Ali has been arrested
Who will give ex president of Tunisia a safe haven
Where do you think Mr. Ben Ali is going.. Most are saying FRANCE ! Some said UAE..
President of Tunisian Parliament takes over according to constitution which gives him 60 days till new elections
> GMT: Reports say a ruling committee has been formed, headed by the Speaker of Parliament and including the Minister of Defense.
1725 GMT: Counter-Narrative. According to Al Arabiya, Speaker of Parliament Parliament Speaker Fuad Mbazaa says he is running Tunisia temporarily and will announce early elections. Under Tunisian law, those elections must take place within 60 days.