Edited on Tue Sep-27-11 12:32 PM by boston bean
You are not one of the white liberals Melissa Harris-Perry accuses of racism in her articles on electoral racism. Because there is no way you could have given Bill Clinton a pass and be holding Obama to a higher standard due to his race. If we are to accept Melissa Harris Perry's argument on white liberal electoral racism,
#1 you would have to have supported Bill Clinton. You couldn't have, you were to young.
#2 you would have had to have supported Bill Clinton, then supported Barack Obama in 2008, impossible because of #1
#3 you would have had to have supported Bill Clinton, then supported Barack Obama in 2008, and then become critical of him and threaten to withold not your vote but $$ and time, impossible because of #1.
So lucky you! Most 20 somethings are not racist. Good to know, huh??
The rest of you, I'm not so sure about.....