create some mechanized Republican/Teabagger animatronic puppets, that way you could pre-program their actions and control them remotely to respond to what the real Republican Presidential candidates on stage are blurting out or lying about. It would probably be cost prohibitive, but if you could get a few animatronic Republican/bagger animatronic puppets, and then, Pepper the audience, sorta like they did with that scene in Gone With The Wind where all of the injured soldiers are laying out in the field and as the camera pans out farther and farther, you can see 100s of people moving, but some of those who appear to be moving, are dummies being moved by a real person next to them. That's the same kind of thing we will attempt to create, the majority of the people who will appear to be moving in our phony Republican debate audience, will actually be dummies that will be moved by the life like animatronic puppets. So in the case of our phony Republican debate audience, we strategically place the animatronic Republican puppets in the seats and then we could also place Republican dummies in the audience, peppered throughout, that could be moved by the animatronic puppets making it look like the Republican dummies were really moving thus giving us an audience that looks somewhat real, but that does not act like the hateful, bigoted real Republican audience, because ours is fake and controlled. The key to making this work, would be no close ups on any of the Republican dummies, but it would be ok to slowly pan in on the animatronic puppets because they look real and can be controlled to move, smile, applaud, close their eyes, smirk and wipe away a phony Republican puppet tear or two if need be for a phony compassionate conservative moment.....the risk in doing a close up however of an animatron Republican puppet shedding a tear, is that it could give the whole thing away as a hoax, after all, when was the last time you saw a Republican shed a compassionate tear? Anyway, some of these devices are incredibly versatile, so this could work if the Koch brothers money were available and if it were set up properly with the right camera angles, lighting and cues called by a director with experience in calling live tv shots like at the Academy Awards or The Emmy Awards. Yep, it just might be feasible if the right wing billionaire Koch brothers ponied up the dough..........lol.....just a thought. Lou