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Think Progress - "Paul Ryan’s Replacement For The Affordable Care Act: Health Vouchers For Everyone"

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TomCADem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-27-11 11:02 PM
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Think Progress - "Paul Ryan’s Replacement For The Affordable Care Act: Health Vouchers For Everyone"
The corporate media has been repackaging and regurgitating the Republican party's latest batch of privitization proposals as "reform." Indeed, CNN breathlessly call Paul Ryan popular for proposing to turn Medicare into a voucher program. Sadly, the mainstream media refuses to call out Republicans for proposing to completely destroy the social safety net. While Democrats get slammed for even considering minor cost saving measures that continue to preserve Medicare and Social Security as government funded and run programs, Republicans are cheered for pushing to destroy these programs down to the roots.

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WY) is finally offering a Republican replacement for the Affordable Care Act. But don’t expect any new ideas — the chairman of the powerful House Budget Committee has dusted off his “Roadmap For America’s Future” proposal and is now officially offering it up a viable alternative to the ACA. The plan doubles down on Ryan’s effort to end the traditional Medicare program for future retirees and block grants Medicaid to the states, but then goes even further, re-stating Ryan’s long-term goal of ending the existing employer-based health care system and pushing individuals and families into the unregulated individual health insurance market with a voucher in hand.

With the Affordable Care Act fully repealed, Ryan would eliminate the existing subsidy for employer-sponsored insurance and use those dollars to provide families and individuals with tax credits to purchase coverage on their own. Those denied insurance because of a pre-existing conditions can enroll in a state-based high risk pools full of sick people. Americans currently under 55 years of age will move into a private plan outside of the Medicare system and states will receive less federal funds for their Medicaid program through a “block” of dollars that does not keep up with costs.

* * *

1) Ryan’s “premium support” proposal for Medicare wouldn’t do anything to actually lower the nation’s health care spending. Rather, it reduces government expenditures by asking future enrollees to pay more for their health care coverage. Future seniors would be taken out of the traditional Medicare program and given a “premium support” to purchase more expensive private coverage. As the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) concluded in its analysis of the Ryan proposal, “a typical beneficiary would spend more for health care… private plans would cost more than traditional Medicare.” ”This would more than double out-of-pocket health-care spending by a typical senior to $12,500 per year.”

* * *
The major problem here is Ryan’s ideology and underlining philosophy. It’s what economist Jacob Hacker calls The Great Risk Shift. Republicans are slowly dismantling the New-Deal era institutions that spread economic risks “across rich, and poor, healthy and sick, able-bodied and disabled, young and old” and shifting all of the economic costs and risks onto individuals (or as Ryan calls it, freeing Americans from the “relentless expansion of government and a new culture of dependence“).

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Historic NY Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-27-11 11:09 PM
Response to Original message
1. SOS.....
same old song........same old sh-t.
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DCBob Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-27-11 11:13 PM
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2. coupon care
that wont fly.
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midnight Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-27-11 11:14 PM
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3. This millionaire is treating the public like his employees...
He needs to be reminded that he is a public employee and he works for us... And one of his benefits is free health care and we demand it for the rest of the U.S. population...
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Moostache Donating Member (905 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-27-11 11:20 PM
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4. Fuck Paul Ryan and Fuck Paul Ryan's "plan".
I'm only sorry that the axe used to part his hair stopped short of splitting his fucking head in half and sparing us all any more of his "wisdom"...

As a 40-year old cancer survivor, I would LOVE to have Mr. Eddie-Munster-gone-awry Hair explain to me how I am EVER going to find or afford health care under a Ryan-authored, private-for-profit-administered voucher system. I know that they SAY there would be a high-risk pool for people such as myself, but do I trust for ONE SECOND that such a program would be fair, compassionate or available to me in my time of need? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!

I would not trust this man (or his ilk) as far as I could throw them.
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Pirate Smile Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-27-11 11:22 PM
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5. He wants Republicans to push his vouchercare budget again. Awesome.
Ryan: Republicans Should Double Down On My Budget

In a speech at Stanford University's conservative Hoover Institution, House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) offered a recitation of his controversial, alternative vision for the country's social safety net.
But despite the backlash Republicans have faced taken since they voted overwhelmingly in the spring to adopt his approach, Ryan says now's the time for conservatives and GOP candidates to renew their support for that vision, not to walk away from it.

We took a few dings at first, we survived," Ryan admitted. "The Democrats' tried the same old scare tactics for a few months, and in the first special election that took place after our budget passed, we learned a costly lesson. We learned that unless we back up our ideas with courage, and defend them in the face of attacks, we will lose. But once we learned that lesson and started to get our message out... well, a funny thing happened: People listened. They learned that our plan did not affect those in or near retirement; that it guaranteed coverage options like the ones members of Congress enjoy; and that choice and competition would drive costs down and quality up. They also learned more about the Democrats' plans for Medicare, and they didn't like what they heard."

This is pretty bold advice given the evidence. True, the Democrats attack campaign of the spring and early summer has since taken a back seat to things like the Anthony Weiner scandal and partisan fights over the debt limit and jobs. But President Obama has pledged to make Ryan's vision -- and particularly his plan to phase out traditional Medicare and replace it with a subsidized private insurance system -- a major focus of the election.

It's a big gamble. But it underlines the GOP's seriousness about fundamentally changing retirement policies for seniors and the poor in the months and years ahead. As Ryan himself noted, speaking of federal health care programs, "you have to revisit the structure of federal health policy and change the incentives - something that many leading Democrats, with their unwavering commitment to early 20th Century social insurance models, remain totally unwilling to do."
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eleny Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-27-11 11:29 PM
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6. Sounds like he wants the government to help people - In other words, socialism
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TwilightGardener Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-28-11 12:18 AM
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7. How would a typical senior citizen be able to afford more than $1000 a month
JUST on health care, assuming they're living off of their retirement nest egg and/or SS? That seems insurmountable for many.
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WillParkinson Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-28-11 12:30 AM
Response to Reply #7
8. Oh, I'm you think they care?
I mean they're millionaires (or more) so they don't ever have to worry about it.

My mom? Psh. Let her die if she can't afford to help keep the economy rolling (and the insurance companies rich).

It's the Republicamerican way.

:sarcasm: (sort of)
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TwilightGardener Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-28-11 12:38 AM
Response to Reply #8
9. Yes, I lost my mind there for a minute and pictured them looking at the numbers
and worrying about whether Grandma would be able to afford heat, food, AND her heart pills. I know, :crazy:
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