Robert Rizzo Parking Lot: Disgraced City Manager Ousted From Volunteer Parking Lot Job

LOS ANGELES — The ousted former official accused of looting millions of dollars from the small, blue-collar city of Bell is out of another job – as a volunteer parking lot attendant for Huntington Beach's International Surf Museum.
Museum docent Kitty Willis said Robert Rizzo, who lives in Huntington Beach, had been volunteering to earn court-ordered community service hours after a drunken driving arrest last year.
Rizzo, who is charged with 55 counts of looting millions of taxpayer dollars from the city of Bell, is free on $2 million bail in that case. He did not return a call for comment.
Rizzo had been at the museum only a few days when Los Angeles Times columnist Steve Lopez outed him in a sometimes sarcastic column Thursday. The column speculated that if the short, rotund former city manager climbed aboard a surfboard, he would look a lot like "Star Wars" villain Jabba the Hutt cruising the waves.