Republican Candidate. His tough, "jersey attitude" will appeal to Tea Party. All the Tea Party want is someone who will "get in Obama's face". They loveed Trump--why? Because he was willing to say all those "out there" things about Obama.
The Tea Party does not appear to be concerned with any of their positions if they are tough enough to sock it to Obama.
What is ironic?? The Republican Elites see Christie as the one with smarts to have broad appeal and therefore when the General Election rolls around will be able to finesse it well enough to attract Indies and some wayward Dems.
The two groups want an entirely different candidate. The Tea Party is in to learn a hard lesson. Wild out there candidates cannot win a general election. Especially, now that America is more and more familier with the beliefs of the Republican Party, an "out there" candidate dooms them. Yes, bachman, Conservatives have "to settle".