While Obama’s overall job performance measure has held steady since the midterm election, this has not been the case for the Republican congressional leaders. The new survey finds the public disapproving of their policies and plans for the future by a 43% to 34% margin. Just two months ago, in a poll taken days after the election, the public had a more positive view: 41% approved, 37% disapproved.
Changing views of the GOP’s policy agenda are most noticeable among moderate and liberal Republicans, who approved of party leaders’ plans by 78% to 3% in November. Today, 57% of moderate and liberal Republicans approve while 22% disapprove. Independents, too, have grown more dissatisfied with the GOP’s direction; shortly after the election, about as many independents approved (39%) as disapproved (35%) of the GOP’s plans and policies for the future. Today, 30% approve while 45% disapprove.
The public continues to say they want Obama and Republican leaders to work together, but there is considerable skepticism that this will occur. About six-in-ten (61%) say GOP leaders should try to work with Obama to accomplish things, even if it means disappointing some groups of Republican supporters. A similar percentage (65%) says Obama should do the same in working with Republicans.
But by roughly two-to-one (63% to 30%), most Americans think Republicans and Democrats will end up bickering and opposing one another more than usual this year.