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Why I love my mom...

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Versailles Donating Member (384 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-14-11 03:13 PM
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Why I love my mom...
My mom doesn't usually comment on my political facebook posts since I managed to piss off my Uncle (her brother-in-law) whom they see often as my uncle only lives about 40 minutes away. She will usually discuss with me and debate with me on the phone. She is a former English teacher and I have always looked up to her as a personal hero of mine and a mentor, especially as I went into teaching English myself. My mom sharpened my debating and critical thinking skills all through my life by little exercises and playing devil's advocate. Even when we agreed on a point, she'd make me prove it by pointing out the flawed areas of my argument and making me defend against counterpoints. This was done in all areas, not just politics. Despite her ability and flair for a good debate, she avoids creating "real" conflict with those she knows don't agree with her politically for the sake of keeping family unity. So when my RW Idiot Uncle fought me on facebook, got owned, and defriended me in humiliation, my mother stayed completely out of it - never once commenting on any of my political posts or arguments. Then came yesterday...

My mom has long reminded me to keep my tone civil and expects other to do the same. Rush, the Faux crew, Palin, etc all drive her mad with their hate filled rhetoric...and not just in the past couple months. So the tragedy in Tuscon has upset her a great deal and, unfortunately, validated her concerns about the climate that highly volatile words can potentially create. So when I posted an article chronicling Palin's facebook hypocrisy, while I didn't expect my mom to respond, I shouldn't have been surprised she did. Below is the exchange with names scrubbed...


Details the hypocrisy of Palin's thought process. While defending her own free speech and blaming others for their own "violent rhetoric" she deletes any posts critical of her but leaves the most disgusting insensitive comment for all to see...
Obama London: Inexplicable Edits on Sarah Palin's Facebook Page
Wednesday, January 12 at 9:42pm

RW College Friend (who claims not to like Palin, but seems to support her an awful lot!)

But it's HER page! She's a dope & I won't defend her as a person, but she can do whatever the hell she wants on HER page. Answer this question honestly *****. As you're well aware from our past discussions, you & I have very different political views. If I wrote on your WALL beneath one of your posts "you're a douche bag," are you deleting it or leaving it up for you family & friends to see? If that happened on my WALL I'd be deleting it in a heartbeat!
Wednesday, January 12 at 11:43pm

My Mom
*****, I agree she has the right to post what she wants as it is a private page, BUT she is a public figure and that is what this whole debate is about. Public figures should be held to a higher standard of responsibility than private individuals. The writer of the article posted says it best "I don't really know what to make of this. Sarah Palin has the right to edit her Facebook profile - it's not technically a public platform, it's a privately owned space. But the fact someone has a right to do something doesn't mean it is always a good idea, and I think that someone who aspires to public office has an especially strong responsibility to try and engage with the public at large - not just those who agree with them."
Thursday, January 13 at 10:31am

Me again
****, I agree that she has the right to edit posts on her page, but there are 2 other issues here. First, she has every right in the world to censor her page, however, when she does, in my mind, she loses any credibility to complain about free speech and opens herself to criticism on her hypocrisy (which is what I did). As a very public figure who wishes to take the highest office possible in our society, one has to question her strength of character if she is unable or unwilling to accept criticism. If she were president, does she plan to censor newspapers who are critical of her decisions? In my mind, a good leader will stand on their own merits and their actions and words will withstand criticism without needing to censor it.

Secondly, there is the question of why not delete the truly vile comment about the death of the 9 year old child. There are only 2 ways of viewing that comment - you agree with the comment that the young girl deserved to be murdered because she would grow up to be a liberal OR you understood the possible satirical message behind it that is clearly critical of you. If it is the first one, then clearly my criticism oh Palin is more than justified. If it is the second reason, then she again shows her inconsistency in removing critical comments, and is only getting rid of the obvious ones...again worth of my criticism.

Clearly, in either case, the author of the article has every right to chronicle her editorial choices and be critical of her on HIS own space, as you so aptly pointed out.
Thursday, January 13 at 9:57pm
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peace13 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-14-11 04:03 PM
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1. Thanks for this.
I love that you and your mother have such a great connection. Something to cherish for sure. Peace, Kim
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roguevalley Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-14-11 11:27 PM
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2. your mom is one smart cookie. Hug her for me and hold her close
you only get one and I wish I still had mine. You would have loved her.
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pacalo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-14-11 11:48 PM
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3. Very interesting. Both you & your mother hit the nail on the head.
Edited on Fri Jan-14-11 11:49 PM by pacalo
As a public official who created a "personal" page on a social network to interface with the public, she's providing a valuable window through which the public is able to view her reaction to public criticism. Palin doesn't have the emotional tools to serve as a public servant.

We've heard about her vindictiveness as governor against her critics & political enemies, even abusing her position against a brother-in-law. She has very thin skin & she can't refrain from twittering a left-handed public answer to each disparaging remark against her. She simply has no self control.

She's clearly shown us that she's not worthy of serving public office in such a diverse country. Aside from her thin skin & intolerance to opposing opinions, she's not the sharpest this country has to offer.
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