Just finished reading Malcolm Gladwell's "Blink", a book exploring snap decisions and "trusting you gut". Interesting read. Here's a review...
http://www.vdare.com/articles/malcolm-gladwell-blinks-at-racial-realitiesPart of the book addresses the Project Implicit IAD tests, which purport to measure bias. I took a couple (you can too, here:
https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/demo/selectatest.html )
The "age IAT" test suggested I have better regard for children than middle-aged people. Probably true.
It also suggested I have a "slight automatic preference for African American as compared to European American". Interesting that this old white guy would test that way; I suspect my knowledge of what was being tested influenced my score, although the "experts" suggest "gaming the system" is not possible.
Anyway, I wonder if any other DU'ers have knowledge/experience with the IAD testing. Is it valid? A sham?