The multiple injustices of Manuel Valle's death penalty
Florida's determination to execute a man with an untried lethal drug, after botched trials, is a tragic mockery of legal processSophie Walker, Wednesday 28 September 2011
The three decades Manuel Valle has spent on death row in Florida are set to dwindle to their final minutes this afternoon. At around 4pm local time (9pm GMT) – barring any last minute stays -–"the primary executioner will adminster the lethal chemicals" into Mr Valle's bloodstream, as set out in the state's execution protocol.
While there has been a range of international opposition to the execution of Manuel Valle – including the Catholic Church, the European Union, the Spanish government, British members of parliament and the Washington-DC based Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, to name a few – we haven't heard as much about Manuel Valle as we did about Troy Davis in recent weeks, but this should not be taken as meaning either that the former is undeserving of such attention or that the latter was overhyped. Both cases provide glaring examples of the inadequacies and inhumanities of the US death penalty system, and both highlight the sad fact that public attention – and outrage – often comes too late to change the outcome.
Manuel Valle has been unlucky enough to unite in one case a great number of the failures of the US capital system. Subjected to repeated miscarriages of justice resulting in multiple retrials, then held under the Damoclean sword of the death penalty for an unimaginable 33 years, he was finally picked earlier this year, in an apparently arbitrary manner, by Florida's governor, Rick Scott, to be the first execution of his term of office.
In many countries around the world, such treatment would be considered cruel, inhuman, even torture. For example, Floridians might be shocked to learn that Uganda takes a more enlightened attitude on this issue than their state, commuting sentences to life imprisonment after the prisoner has been held for three years under the threat of imminent execution. Sadly for Mr Valle, arguments that the torture of three decades spent in the shadow of death is punishment enough have not been heeded. ........(more)
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