I have recently done a blog about some unusual events that UM happened on Sunday the day after they arrested dozens of protestors. They involved people that were protest (or not) far away from Wall Street and they can be replicated anywhere to increase the awareness of this. Actually it is a bit of a satire but I think it has a few good ideas and would welcome other suggestions. The Occupation isn’t being covered well in the Mass Media as many of you surely know and they could use all the attention they can get. The corporations have turned into oligarchies as far as I can tell and they don’t seem to be accountable to anyone and are participating in many activities that suppress the rights of consumers including price fixing which may be done with winks and nod, slotting fees, planned obsolescence and sending jobs overseas where they can r5ely on sweatshop labor. More attention needs to be drawn to this.
The following is an example of comments that could be made by a protestor during a cash register protest:
…..While waiting in line at the cash register things started getting strange. Out of nowhere someone comes up and starts speaking loudly but clearly enough for those in line at the register to hear him. He said something like the following:
Corporations including this department store have been participating in a massive epidemic of consumer fraud and they have also been working with the government and the Mass Media to suppress criticism. The fraudulent activities that this corporation has been involved in include the use of planned obsolescence, the charging of slotting fees to make sure that small startup manufacturers can’t compete and price fixing, among other things. They have been donating large sums of money to political campaigns; and, coincidently or not, the politicians have remained silent about this and even passed laws to enable corporations to do this in secrecy by passing laws they refer to as protecting the secrecy of proprietary information. They have increased the interpretation of the first amendment so that corporations can consolidate the Mass Media and obtain complete control over it. They have also passed several laws and arranged for several court cases to rule that protestors don’t have nearly as much protection under the first amendment. Yesterday they arrested dozens of people on Wall Street for using the rights that they’re supposed to have under the first amendment. Clearly the first amendment now only protects the corporations not the victims of corporate crime.
(He looked around quickly at this point and saw the manager approaching with security guards, all with angry looks on their faces.)
This has been a hit and run use of the first amendment which no longer protects most of us; I will now depart before they have a chance to put me in their Gulag just in case that is what they have in mind.
(He then ran out the door and quickly disappeared.)
For the full blog see the following:
http://open.salon.com/blog/zacherydtaylor/2011/09/26/occupy_wall_street_and_cash_register_protestsThese aren’t firm recommendations and if anyone is interested in doing something like this they might be better off being creative. However people should be cautious, as the protestors seem to be to keep them peaceful and non destructive and prepared to justify their actions. It won’t take much to hold higher standards than those on Wall Street but they also have an enormous propaganda machine to spin things and blow up even tiny issues. They could also make something up but if the protestors have enough supporters getting their stories out that wont last for long even with that powerful propaganda machine because the protestors have numbers that could quickly grow to include a larger segment of the population.