"There were no real demons, no talking dogs, no satanic henchmen. I made it all up via my wild imagination so as to find some form of justification for my criminal acts against society.”
-”Son of Sam: serial killer, David Berkowitz
They SAY criminal courts will be only for Non-Violent offenders. If it was someone busted with a bag of pot,someone caught dui fine..But from what I have seen the courts are not as careful as the state says it is.Mental Health Court sounds great on paper but in practice it puts the truly mentally ill who are vulnerable, into very real danger.
A program I used to attend had violent offenders in it. I was NOT informed,I found out on my own.Pedophiles& rapists were there pressured people (younger and female) and said sexually twisted things,and no one seemed to bother to tell them to stop it.
I also was triggered by it. And I was really pissed when nothing was done to silence the assholes. Seems sexual threats were not attended to in the program I was at, but cussing was swiftly denounced. We had over the time I was there a bank robber from aryan brotherhood,and some sex offenders. The mentally ill clients were not protected from the psychopaths the state was trying to offload onto the mental health system.This scared the hell out of me.
Although exact prevalence estimates vary, there is a consensus in the field that most consumers of mental health services are trauma survivors and that their trauma experiences help shape their responses to outreach and services.
http://www.samhsa.gov/nctic/And for the mentally ill this is putting them(and me) in grave danger. Socio-cultural factors include desensitization to violence by staff and doctors, the legal system, the public, and especially client assaulters. This has led society to assume that people with mental illness are not accountable for their actions.
In real life the mentally ill like all people we are responsible for our actions.Schizophrenics like anyone else, have lines they will not cross ethically.And if they cross it,they are tormented by remorse when they realize what harm they caused.Because schizophrenics like other genuine mental illnesses and psychiatric injured and people with a conscience have consciences too.
It is the sociopath that ASSUMES he can do no wrong,and so never owns the choices he makes and never assumes responsibility because he has NO CONSCIENCE.
Conceptualizing mental illness too generally as a cause of criminal involvement is not useful for policy or service implications. Such a strategy de-contextualizes the experience of people with mental illness from broader incarceration patterns in the U.S. When the reasons people go to jail or return to jail are examined, it becomes clear that the key issues are social difficulties complicated by mental illness — but not caused by mental illness.
http://www.emeraldinsight.com/books.htm?chapterid=1782821&show=pdf The FACT that the state,psychiatrists,psychologists,on down to care taking staff cannot distinguish a mentally ill/psychiatric injured client from one who is a dangerous person really bothers me.
http://www.mentalhealthamerica.net/go/position-statements/53http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/BJA/grant/mentalhealth.htmlhttp://www.nri-inc.org/Psychopaths cannot be cured.It is NOT a MENTAL ILLNESS.
http://www.uncommonforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=24289At the program I attended I discovered they had these criminals mixed in,younger client felt threatened,trauma clients got triggered,and others taken advantage of financially,etc.
There is no data for long-term trends in homicide by people with mental illness in the US.
http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn14444-killings-by-the-mentally-ill-reach-new-low.htmlhttp://falseallegations.com/mmpi-bw.htmIt has been estimated that upwards of 20% of those exhibiting mental health problems in correctional settings are malingering.
Practitioners are reluctant to label a patient as a malingerer for many reasons. The following are three commonly cited reasons for reluctance: First, is the difficulty in proving malingering. To do so requires a firm grounding in the phenomenology of genuine mental illness, and a willingness to use resources (e.g., behavioral monitoring, review of historical data, testing) to buy time toward an accurate diagnosis. Second, is the fear of confronting the subject and creating possible embarrassment or provoking retaliation, such as lawsuits. Third, is the knowledge that malingering and genuine mental illness can coexist (i.e., partial malingering) and thus, the fear of denying a truly ill person medical care.
http://www.corrdocs.org/framework.php?pagetype=newsstory&newsid=12160&bgn=2 Although often thought to be peculiar to forensic psychology, experiences of working with violent or aggressive clients are very common amongst psychologists. In a survey of 600 clinical psychologists in the US, 83 per cent of respondents reported that they had felt afraid that a client may attack them and 89 per cent reported feeling afraid that a client may attack a third party. Recent research in Victoria shows that 8 per cent of patients with schizophrenia obtain a conviction for a violent offense at some point in their lives - and that this rate rises to more than 26 per cent for patients who have schizophrenia and a substance use disorder. Additionally, the prevalence of aggressive behavior and violence among psychiatric inpatients is very high
The above examples show that many psychologists working in general settings have experience with violent and aggressive clients or patients. Sadly, though, psychologists are typically ill equipped - from both their training and experience - to accurately identify and manage clients who are at risk for violence.
http://www.psychology.org.au/publications/inpsych/risk/http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn14444-killings-by-the-mentally-ill-reach-new-low.htmlAnd yes contrary to popular belief the mentally ill can buy guns.
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB20001424052748704515904576076200491395200.htmlAs long as sociopaths,psychopathy,authoritarians,and narcissism are allowed to be included within the spectrum of 'mental illness' ,People with actual mental illness and psychiatric injuries will be hurt,triggered and exploited by the ruthless. as long as the staff and doctors are pretending psychopaths are mentally ill the distinctions are ignored and the risks become dangerously misguided and stupid.And the psychopath is more than willing to play along with this dangerous game.
As usual with such bizarre incidents, the question of whether the killer was mentally ill or insane gets floated. It's a fair question to ask since normal people don't go around assassinating the police, but then neither do people with mental illnesses.
Clemmons had an extensive criminal record, but had been granted clemency in 2000 (by Mike Huckabee no less) for crimes he committed as a teen in Arkansas. Then he moved out to Washington State and was pretty low key until going completely berserk back in May of this year: raping a child, forcing family members to get naked, throwing rocks at neighbors, punching a cop, etc.
http://www.furiousseasons.com/archives/2009/12/lakewood_cop_killer_sociopath_or_mentally_ill.htmlAs a psychological construct, psychopathy has undergone recent change, and there is still disagreement as to its fundamental character. Nevertheless, it can be reliably and validly measured with such behaviors as callousness, impulsivity, sensation seeking, dishonesty, emotional detachment, extreme selfishness, antisociality, belligerence, juvenile delinquency, and sexual promiscuity. Hare's Psychopathy Checklist-Revised is the best available assessment. Psychopathy exists in women, men, children, and in all racial and ethnic groups examined. No one knows whether some psychopaths function successfully without committing serious offenses. Among institutionalized offender samples, psychopathy is the strongest predictor of violent recidivism and differential response to treatment yet discovered. Although psychopaths can exhibit subtle neurological, physiological, and cognitive differences compared with other people, it is unclear whether these differences constitute defective brain function or the execution of a viable life strategy.
http://www.olrs.ohio.gov/trauma-informed-treatmenthttp://www.jaapl.org/cgi/content/full/37/4/442"It's a rather sad story of stereotyping of the mentally ill as dangerous, and how mental-health policy is so little influenced by evidence."