Dear Senator Forrester:
As a regular contributor to the Journal for the Study of Anti-Semitism, I write to you — (while simultaneously addressing voters in North Carolina) — as a duty of conscience.
You have proposed an amendment to the Constitution of North Carolina that, if approved by anti-gay voters, would write anti-gay discrimination into the Constitution. Your proposed amendment presents a textbook example of what political scientists refer to as ”the tyranny of the majority.” Through a separation of powers, most democratic societies successfully avoid being afflicted by a tyranny of the majority. When you speak contemptuously of judges who rule that existing laws against LGBT equality are discriminatory, you are expressing open disdain for the separation of powers in our political system. What you are saying is “I want a tyranny of the majority, so we can treat gay people as second-class citizens, and I don’t care what rational criticism anybody might make of it.”
I was dismayed recently to hear your radio interview with Mike Signorile. There is a strong appearance that although you are a licensed physician, you intentionally falsify health care information and health care statistics in a political context in order fraudulently to demonize LGBT human beings and to motivate anti-gay bigots to strengthen the currently pertaining sexual orientation apartheid in our society. Your behavior in that runs counter to medical ethics. And speaking of medical ethics, your online bios claim that you are a Fellow of the American College of Preventive Medicine, but today, ACPM officials told me that you are not a member, still less a Fellow, which is their highest level of distinction, and that they would be asking you to remove your phony claim from the internet. Apparently, your lack of integrity in talking dishonestly about gay human beings extends to claims you make about your professional medical associations. I sent an e-mail to your Senate address giving you a chance to explain yourself, but you didn’t even give me the courtesy of a reply.
No decent person should be swayed by your malignant hostility against gay human beings, for you personally are exceedingly closed-minded and deceitful. I wonder if you have ever talked with the mother of a gay child who committed suicide after being endlessly and mercilessly bullied at school. I might recommend that you personally meet with Elke Kennedy, the surviving mother of Sean Kennedy, who was murdered by some thug who had grown up hearing your brand of hateful lies told against gay human beings. I sincerely doubt that you are man enough, or human enough, to look Elke Kennedy in the eyes and explain why you are hostile towards gay people.
I invite you to look around the world at which countries have LGBT equality, and which do not. Canada does; Saudi Arabia does not. Spain does; Uganda does not. Holland does; Iran does not. Each of those that does not, justifies the discrimination on religious grounds. That is to say, they are theocracies. In a theocracy, the religious impose their faith on the entire society by means of the government.
Imposing your religious views on other Americans by means of the government is unconstitutional, just as your lying about being a Fellow of the American College of Preventive Medicine was unethical. I hereby call on you to spend every day between now and your May 2012 Bigot Ballot vote personally associating with long-term gay and/or lesbian couples in North Carolina. If you are going to snap an iron bear trap down on the civil rights of a social minority, making that minority bleed for you, you should at least have the decency to face your human victims and to learn who they really are.
You see, all of the irrational hate that you in your vile ignorance can dish out will not stop same-sex couples from making lives together. You read that right — what you are seeking to do is to ensure that loving, committed long-term same sex couples in your state are stigmatized with an inferior legal status that disadvantages them economically in comparison to their heterosexual counterparts.
Illicit powers, wielded over and against a social minority. Speaking as a regular contributor to the Journal for the Study of Anti-Semitism, I am telling you that the phrase “Never again!” means that people of good conscience do not wait until unfair discrimination against a minority reaches its lowest imaginable point. “Never again!” means that wherever ignorance-fueled antipathy against a minority appears about to be enshrined into law, enlightened people refuse to allow the injustice to occur. Shame on you as a doctor for violating medical ethics by falsifying health care information to demonize a minority. Shame on you as a doctor for opposing equality, in an era when the American Medical Association unequivocally calls for marriage equality to become the law of the land.
Scott Rose