No, it wasn't.
From Fox: University spokeswoman Jennifer Fitzenberger told "it was our idea to do the t-shirts." She said distributing merchandise at a memorial was appropriate and rejected the charge that the University over-commercialized the service. "Our intention was to have something to remember after the event...something that symbolizes our community's spirit...which would live on." When asked if the University had worked with the White House or any partisan groups on any level regarding the t-shirts she said "no."
Apparently, this isn't good enough for He-Who-Dances-On-Graves Limbaugh. Turns out that one of his researchers discovered that a post-er to Obama for America had blogged using this phrase. That's proof positive the tee-shirts and their message 1. not only came from Team Obama but 2. are marxist.
However, the "together we thrive" posting was just somebody's blog post from Nov 2008. It was one of tens or hundreds of thousands of posts at OFA.
Not only that, "Together we thrive" is not a very original idea nor stated in a very original way. For instance, in 2009, the Western Mass. Regional Library System called their big grant and fund-raising project "Together We Thrive."'s a blog from last March called "Together We Thrive." It's about poetry and gardening. it is again last Oct at a social change website: back in 2004, a CHRISTIAN INVESTMENT GROUP named their blog "Together We Thrive." course, none of this will matter for Rush Limbaugh specializes in "zombie lies," falsehoods that can be repeatedly killed and spring back to life in circulated e-mails, FReeper posts, and the right-wing noise machine.
But when your annoying CON acquaintances flog this lie, at least here's the ammo to shoot it down . . . once again.