DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad opened his fifth term in office on Friday vowing to ease "the yoke of government" and deeply slash state spending while also promising major reforms to the state's education system.
"Our old ways of doing the government's business must be radically altered to do the people's business," Branstad said in remarks prepared for delivery after taking the oath of office. "That is the new covenant principle No. 1: We have too much government — state, county, city, school, local — and it must be reduced."
Branstad's first task as governor will be to send the Legislature a proposed new budget that projections show has a roughly $700 million shortfall. The Republican governor did not offer details of his budget proposal during his speech, instead focusing on larger themes.
"We must be rid of the yoke of government, which taxes us too much, spends too much and regulates too much," said Branstad, who had focused on Iowa's economic problems during his campaign to oust Democratic Gov. Chet Culver. "We've gotten off track, we've over-promised and under-delivered, turning solutions into problems. Iowans deserve better. We will get back on track with a slimmer, better-managed and sustainable government you can count on when you need it."
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