every employer.
Florida legislators backing away from hotly contested immigration reformshttp://miamiherald.typepad.com/nakedpolitics/2011/09/leglislators-backing-away-from-.htmlCan Florida legislators turn their backs on immigration reform?
That is the question hovering over Republicans this week after Rick Perry’s performance in last week’s presidential debate and the results of the Florida straw poll, which show that being soft on the issue can imperil Republicans strapped to a primary.
Florida’s Tea Party activists say they will accept nothing short of requiring every employer to check the immigration status of their workers through the federal E-verify program in January when legislators convene in regular session. But armed with the support of
Florida’s powerful agriculture and business groups, the same legislative leaders who last year promised Arizona-style immigration reform
are now barely offering tentative support for it.The change of heart comes at the same time legislators are entering one of the most precarious election seasons in a decade. Because of reapportionment, every lawmaker must run in a newly-drawn district and, in some cases, answer to interest groups, ethnic groups and constituents they have not served before.
The solution suggested by some Republican leaders is for the Legislature to do nothing now.Teabaggers versus agricultural/business groups. Let's hope they weaken each other.
And the republican politicians answer to immigration - do nothing.