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Looks like the same handful of Conserva-Dems will defeat Obama's Jobs Bill in Senate

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WI_DEM Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-30-11 11:16 AM
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Looks like the same handful of Conserva-Dems will defeat Obama's Jobs Bill in Senate
Well what's new? Between conservative Dems in his own party and a united GOP wanting to obstruct him no wonder Obama can't get anything:

WLS Radio’s Bill Cameron reports his own party has delayed action in the Senate and talked with Senator Dick Durbin, the number two Democrat in the Senate, about the reason why.
"The oil-producing state senators don’t like eliminating or reducing the subsidy for oil companies, "Durbin tells WLS Radio, "There are some senators who are up for election who say I'm never gonna vote for a tax increase while I'm up for election, even on the wealthiest people. So, we're not gonna have 100% Democratic senators. That's why it needs to be bi-partisan and I hope we can find some Republicans who will join us to make it happen."

But so far, Durbin concedes Democrats don't have the votes in the senate to pass it, "Not at the moment, I don't think we do but, uh, we can work on it."

In Durbin's defense, he was set up with that question. Of course, he could have dodged it with a mumbled a non-answer. Or he could have named names. We pretty much know who he's talking about here: Mary Landrieu, Ben Nelson, and Claire McCaskill. Maybe Bill Nelson, maybe even Jon Tester, as well.

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Bandit Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-30-11 11:20 AM
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1. There could be pressure put on those Senators but there won't be..
We will just acquiesce to whatever Republicans want and accept all the blame for it as well..And we will deserve all the blame as well... We can do more..."Yes We Can"
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indepat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-30-11 12:08 PM
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3. Persuasively articulated
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spartan61 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-30-11 11:25 AM
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2. I'm so disgusted!
Maybe even more disgusted by the Con Dems than even the repukes. They think of only themselves and their re-elections instead of the people. Can we get a movement to call or e-mail those who will not support the Jobs Bill?
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Dr Fate Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-30-11 12:10 PM
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4. I'll bet Obama never saw that coming when he promised all this liberal stuff to his base.
Edited on Fri Sep-30-11 12:10 PM by Dr Fate
But that is cool, I dont mind a little good/cop bad cop if it will keep some of the Liberal donations and support flowing.
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