This is a great read, I recommend it highly. Lots of good questions and unflinching answers, IMO.">Q&A: Former WikiLeaks spokeswoman Birgitta Jonsdottir(snip)
Do you think WikiLeaks has done enough to support Bradley Manning after his arrest?This is a tricky situation because on the one hand Julian did call out on the 15th of June last year for fundraising for Manning on the WikiLeaks mailing list. But it didn’t have a tag saying I’m donating to Bradley Manning. So this is one of my criticisms. Nobody really knows who sent money for Bradley Manning and who was supporting WikiLeaks. At the same time, because Bradley Manning was mentioned as the WikiLeaks source, even if we don’t know if he was or not, they offered to support half of his legal fees, which was around $50,000. Then that sort of changed. Julian said he could only do $20,000 and then the money never showed....
If he (Assange) is guilty (of the sex charges), does that diminish the work he has done with WikiLeaks?I don’t know. It should not. My personal thing, not with him, just in general, you really should always practice what you preach. It’s very hard to do that, but still the ultimate goal ought to be to always practice what you preach.
If you’re a priest and you’re talking about how you’re the middle man between God and us and then you abuse that power to some other means, that’s not really walking your talk. It’s the same if you are a poet and you write beautiful poetry about how you should honour women and then you go back home and you beat up your wife.
I’m not saying that Julian is not. I’m just saying that it is very important if you’re preaching for sort of freedom of information then you can’t really complain that somebody leaked your police report. It’s not even his police report, it’s the reports from the women........
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