Tell our representatives and President Obama that if he can't say something nice about Social Security and Medicare during the State of the Union Address--say nothing at all.
“I do not want to cut benefits or raise the retirement age. I believe there are a number of ways we can make Social Security solvent that do not involve placing these added burdens on seniors.” We are at another critical moment in the fight to defend Social Security and Medicare as President Obama prepares to deliver his State of the Union (SOTU) speech on Jan. 25th. SOTU provides the President’s analysis of our present condition and gives us information about the President’s plans and priorities. In light of the growing threat to Social Security and Medicare, it is important that the President publicly reaffirm his commitment to Social Security and Medicare in the SOTU.
We have to bring as much pressure to bear as possible to encourage the President to reaffirm in the SOTU his campaign commitments. Democrats still control the Executive branch and the Senate and we need to let it be known that cuts to Social Security benefits and/or raising the retirement age will have very negative political consequences in 2011 & 2012 for the Democrats.
Organizations and individuals: please contact your senators and ask them to communicate with the White House and urge the President to reaffirm his commitment in the SOTU to not cut Social Security or Medicare benefits or raise the retirement age.
Organizations and individuals: please directly communicate a similar message to the White House. A grass roots response is critical. Organizations please call on your grass root members to communicate with Senators Murray & Cantwell & the White House.
Time is of the essence! See additional talking points below.
Here is the contact information:
President Obama: Email: Phone:(202) 456-1414
Social Security: Talking Points and Key Facts
Main message: President Obama, in your State of the Union address, I (we) urge you to reiterate your pledge to protect Social Security and your promise not to cut benefits or raise the retirement age. Do not force more cost sharing on old sick people.
Additional messages:
-- Social Security is critical to the economic security of Americans of all ages, and is more important now than ever.
--Keeping Social Security strong is a key issue for
--Cutting Social Security will destroy the voters’ trust in all Democrats and guarantee Republican victories in 2011 and 2012.
--There are many ways to deal with the federal deficit that will benefit the American people and our economy. Cutting Social Security is not one of them and should not be part of any plan proposed or endorsed by you.
Key Facts on Social Security:
Social Security Beneficiary Comparison Data by State:
Key Facts and Talking Points on Medicare
• Among people over 65, as is the case with every other age demographic, 5% of the population accounts for 50% of all costs, and 15% of the population accounts for 85% of all costs. Forcing more cost sharing on this very vulnerable minority is going to kill people
• Many seniors are already skipping drugs and other treatments on the grounds of cost even without the proposed cuts.
• Currently there are no limits on paying for medical care. "Premium aupport" would give Medicare beneficiaries a fixed sum to purchase health care benefits, forcing them into cheaper private plans with far less coverage.
• Proposed changes in Medigap policies would prohibit these plans from covering the first $500 for enrollees, and limit coverage to only 50% of the next $5000/
National organizations
Hands Off Our Medicare!
Social Security Works
Strengthen Social Security