I got tired of the non stop coverage on the people's channel so I switched over to CNN and it's even worse. Rather than updates on the congresswoman's condition every 15 minutes, instead on CNN, it's non-stop in-depth analysis of Laughner's stupid you tube video and expert commentary on his mental illness. Good luck finding a jury for that case.
There's so much going on in the world right now. People are dying en masse in brasil due to flooding, There's tunisia ousting their dictator, sudan is splitting into another country, it's the year anniversary of haiti, Israel approved another settlement. Just to name a few. I can't get any of those stories on American cable or broadcast "news" channels. The only access to the outside world on the TV, ironically, is on CCTV news. English news from a Chinese network in Beijing.
Let hope the media companies don't get their way at control even more of what we can view on web.