If you listen to FAUX News the message is clear:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJDZxzsOB1Y&feature=player_embeddedBut what is the truth? The truth is that the republicans are in bed with communist China.
The reason is that right wingers spell "patriotism" as "profit." If they can make a profit then that's their kind of patriotism. In fact one could describe republican economic policy is the super highway to investment in China.
As far as I'm concerned this is classic right wing propaganda. As the right wingers bought up the mainstream media and shaped it into the propaganda arm of the republican party, they continued to broadcast "left wing media." So as the republicans move their investments to China, it is apropos they continue to accuse democrats of being socialists. When the truth is that China's totalitarian antidemocratic government is perfect for republicans to prosper under...no Unions...no regulations...no laws against child labor...nothing to prevent them from making a profit. And yes, the more profits they make the more patriotic the republicans feel.
BTW: You might get a kick out of this:
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/01/14/mike-lee-child-labor-laws_n_809100.html">Mike Lee (R): Federal Child Labor Laws Are Unconstitutional (VIDEO)