I'm kind of in a hurray. I hope you'll get the gist of what I'm saying. :)
They're talking about how society needs to reach out to the mentally ill. Their panel includes David Brooks, Rev. Sharpton, and Peggy Noonan. LMFAO! Shockingly :sarcasm: some of their proposals are seriously detached from reality and if enacted, would cut of the nose to spite the face.
I know everyone is focused on dangerous or homeless mentally ill at the moment, but there are 1,000s more high functioning mentally ill people who successfully treat their illness with medication, and who are *terrified* that an employer or HR person will learn of their illness. This may or may not be news, but the mentally are protected by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Why? Because the mentally ill are discriminated against in the workplace. This fact is in the blind spot of this panel thus some of their proposals would make a difficult life worse for the 1000s of mentally ill willing and able to work. Obviously, this wouldn't be a problem if employers didn't discriminate. Unfortunately, they do.
If HR did a background check--they check one's credit history now, they're more interested in one's mental health--making that information more open will stick a fork in the those willing and able to work.
I fear for many people that the process of reaching out to help the mentally ill will be a disaster for years as HR and employers won't change their attitudes. For thousands of mentally ill, that's making a bad situation worse, by a long margin.