RJ Eskow's blog
Before He Cuts Social Security, I Hope the President Listens to This 'Obama' Guy
by RJ Eskow | January 15, 2011 - 9:19am
http://www.smirkingchimp.com/node/33685In an open letter to the president this week, Sen. Bernie Sanders mentioned "worrisome reports" that the president is planning to cut Social Security. These reports don't come out of the blue. They're the culmination of a months-long campaign. The White House has been privately signaling for months that it was leaning in that direction, and now the sky over Washington is darkening with trial balloons floating up from Pennsylvania Avenue.
Before you make such a disastrous and unwarranted move, Mr. President, there's someone I think you should meet. Actually, you may have run into him before: He's a skinny guy with an keen analytical mind and a gift for brilliant oratory. Sound familiar? He ran for president last time around, and he had some very sensible things to say about Social Security:
http://www.youtube.com/v/n3O_ZoCyCbQ&hl=en_US&feature=p... <<snip>>
Our latest polls show that eight out of 10 Americans oppose cutting Social Security to reduce the deficit. That includes 78% of independents, 82% of Republicans, and 74% of Tea Party supporters. That's worth repeating: The president may be on the verge of adopting a position that's too right wing for the Tea Party.
It would have seemed unthinkable in 2008 that Democrats could lose their lead over Republicans on the question, "Which party do you trust on Social Security?" Yet the figures are clear: The president and his party have lost the public's trust on this issue. "Trust" is a profound and delicate relationship. If you make an unequivocal promise, and then start equivocating as soon as you're in a position to meet your commitment, trust will fade away like dew on the White House lawn.