Original post about the lost twins as they are today 14 years later here:
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=439x210706Published Sunday January 16, 2011 (First published Jan. 26, 1997)
HERE is the link to the FULL original rescue story:
http://www.omaha.com/article/20110116/NEWS01/110119792#rescue-of-twins-took-many-handsI left right after posting and didn't realize I didn't have the link above. Sorry.
By Stephen Buttry
Jennifer's tiny heart gave up. But no one else would.
As paramedic Gary Wood reached to lift 3 - year - old Jennifer Woracek onto a stretcher to take her to a helicopter that would fly her to another hospital for more life - saving treatment, the gold line on her heart monitor went flat.
Two hours after police began an intense search for Jennifer and her twin sister, Kourtney, an hour after the snow - caked girls arrived at the St. Joseph Hospital emergency room, the stress of subzero cold finally wore down Jennifer's 40 - pound body.
Paramedics quickly checked the connections between the girl and the monitor. They were secure. Jennifer's heart had indeed stopped beating.
Life Flight paramedic Corrie Vrbicky told Dr. Charles Denton, "We lost the rhythm."
No one wanted to panic the girl's already distraught parents, who were watching nearby. Wood discreetly reached under the blanket that was wrapped around the frozen girl, found the right spot on her chest and pressed firmly down with one hand, pumping her heart for her.
FULL story at link.: