DOD Identifies Army Casualty
01/15/2011: DOD Identifies Army Casualty
01/14/2011: DOD Announces Vietnam War 50th Anniversary Commemoration Program
01/13/2011: Tricare Young Adult Program Announced
01/13/2011: DOD Identifies Army Casualties
01/12/2011: Airmen Missing from Vietnam War Identified
01/12/2011: National Guard (In Federal Status) and Reserve Activated as of January 11, 2011
01/12/2011: DOD Announces Recruiting and Retention Numbers for Fiscal Year-to-Date 2011, through December
01/11/2011: Senior Executive Service Announcements
01/10/2011: DOD Identifies Army Casualty
01/10/2011: Opening Statement by Secretary Robert Gates during Joint Press Conference with General Liang Guanglie from Beijing, China
01/09/2011: DOD Identifies Army Casualties
01/08/2011: Statement by Secretary of Defense Gates on Tucson Shooting
01/08/2011: DOD Identifies Army Casualties
01/08/2011: DOD Identifies Marine Casualty
01/07/2011: DOD Identifies Units for Upcoming Afghanistan Rotation
01/07/2011: General Officer Assignments
01/06/2011: DOD Identifies Army Casualty
01/06/2011: Detainee Transfer Announced
01/06/2011: Statement by the Commandant of the Marine Corps Gen. James Amos on Efficiencies
01/06/2011: Statement by the Secretary of the Navy and the Chief of Naval Operations on Efficiencies
01/06/2011: Statement by the Secretary of the Army John McHugh on Efficiencies
01/06/2011: Statement by Secretary of the Air Force Michael Donley and Chief of Staff of the Air Force Gen. Norton Schwartz on Efficiencies
01/06/2011: DOD Announces $150 Billion Reinvestment from Efficiencies Savings
01/06/2011: DOD Identifies Army Casualties
01/05/2011: National Guard (In Federal Status) and Reserve Activated as of January 04, 2011
01/03/2011: DOD Identifies Marine Casualty
01/03/2011: DOD Identifies Marine Casualty
01/02/2011: DOD Identifies Army Casualty
12/29/2010: DOD Identifies Marine Casualty
12/29/2010: Littoral Combat Ship Contract Award Announced
12/29/2010: National Guard (in Federal Status) and Reserve Activated as of December 28, 2010
12/28/2010: Senior Executive Service Announcements
12/28/2010: DOD Identifies Marine Casualty
12/27/2010: DOD Identifies Marine Casualty
12/25/2010: Defense Space Changes Continue with First Secretary of the Air Force-Chaired Council Meeting
12/23/2010: DOD Identifies Marine Casualty
12/22/2010: "Secretary Robert Gates Statement on Passage of the Fiscal 2011 NDAA"
12/22/2010: National Guard (In Federal Status) and Reserve Activated
12/22/2010: Deadline for Retroactive Stop Loss Special Pay Extended
12/21/2010: DOD Identifies Army Casualty
12/21/2010: Senior Executive Service Announcements
12/21/2010: Statement by Secretary Robert Gates on the New START Treaty
12/20/2010: DOD Identifies Marine Casualty
12/20/2010: DOD Identifies Marine Casualty
12/20/2010: Air Force Announces Classic Association at Kirtland Air Force Base
12/18/2010: Statement by Adm. Mike Mullen on Senate Vote to Repeal ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’
12/18/2010: Statement by Secretary Robert Gates on Senate Vote to Repeal ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’
12/18/2010: DOD Identifies Marine Casualty