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Aqua Buddha SPEAKS: "They want to take people in an emotional vulnerability, play on those fears..."

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Amerigo Vespucci Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-16-11 03:31 PM
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Aqua Buddha SPEAKS: "They want to take people in an emotional vulnerability, play on those fears..."

"They want to take people in an emotional vulnerability and they want to go ahead and play on those fears to try to get their agenda passed..."


HANNITY: Rand, probably, you, yourself probably one of the most associated now newly elected senators, representatives, from the Tea Party. You've watched now this tragedy in Tucson. You've watched the Tea Party get blamed. And I wanted to get your reaction to it?

PAUL: Well, I think people who would politicize this tragedy ought to be ashamed of themselves. I think it also does a disservice to the memory of these people. You know, Judge Roll, Representative Giffords. I think we should be talking about their lives, the tragedy, how it affected them. And not trying to score cheap points politically and to try to politicize this. I think it's really a distasteful that the left is trying to do this.

PAUL: Well, I think this is just sort of right out of Rahm Emanuel's playbook. This is the kind of tactics that he would use and he would say, here's a crisis, let's exploit it. Let's take advantage of it. You know, they don't care one way about whether any of it is true or has anything to do with the situation. They want to take people in an emotional vulnerability and they want to go ahead and play on those fears to try to get their agenda passed. But I think the American people are smarter than they think. And I think the American people will see through all of that.

HANNITY: I think the early attacks on the Tea Party Movement showed that they don't work. You think people would learn from history, but they obviously don't.
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emulatorloo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-16-11 03:34 PM
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1. Cool, I guess everybody likes to trash Rahm Emaneul!
Pretty lame stuff.

""They want to take people in an emotional vulnerability and they want to go ahead and play on those fears to try to get their agenda passed..." Truer words were never spoken about the Republican party.
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WingDinger Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-16-11 03:44 PM
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2. We honor mushrooms, by ignoring who souffled them, and why.
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spanone Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-16-11 03:47 PM
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3. well rand, he planned to kill a democratic congresswoman at a political event
mr loughner politicized his craziness, no one else
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DCKit Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-16-11 03:55 PM
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4. Scripted interview much?
Fox did, after all, go to the Supreme Court to prove they weren't, in fact, a "news" organization.

However, I take issue with their being allowed to be another of too many 24/7 propaganda channels. There is too little balance in our media.

Time to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine.
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