governor haslam & family own Pilot Oil Co.
Haslam order rescinds earnings disclosure rule
In one of his first official acts as the state's chief
executive, Gov. Bill Haslam on Saturday eliminated
requirements for the governor and top aides to
disclose how much they earn in outside income.
In the same breath, the newly inaugurated
Republican governor said he wants a transparent
government, signing an additional order that
establishes open government principles.
Haslam's move wipes off the books the first
executive order signed by his predecessor,
Democrat Phil Bredesen, after he took office in 2003.
That order required top executive branch officials to
make annual reports about their total earnings.
Under the order released Sunday, a day after Haslam
took office, the disclosure rules applying to the
governor and senior administration officials will be
the same as those for members of the General
Assembly. Those require officials to list sources of
outside income, but not how much they earn. State
government salaries will remain public information.