Nunavut's Inuit organization is taking the federal government to court over a recently imposed ban on the international export of narwhal tusks from many of the territory's communities.
Nunavut Tunngavik Inc., which represents Inuit land-claim beneficiaries in the territory, said Thursday that it has filed an application with the Federal Court challenging the decision by the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans to restrict the export of narwhal tusks and related products from 17 Nunavut communities, including the territorial capital of Iqaluit.
The department has said if Canada does not restrict the export of those tusks, then the international community may ban exports altogether under the Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES).
Whalers in the 17 communities affected by the ban are still allowed to sell their tusks within Canada, but they cannot obtain export permits. partly because it's an interesting story about getting the balance between conservation and indigenous traditional hunting right, and partly because it's bait for the Lounge Lizards :evilgrin: