Documents give shape to Marco Rubio's family history but raise new questions
Link:"My upbringing taught me that America was special and different from the rest of the world, and also a real sense that you can lose your country," Rubio said in an interview this week.
But the visa documents cast clearer divisions between his parents, who came for economic reasons, and the Cubans who scrambled to leave their homeland but thought they could soon return. And the documents come to light amid new discrepancies since Rubio's time line came under scrutiny last week.
"It was one of those things where they really didn't share much information," said Mario Rubio, who is 61 and lives in Jacksonville. "Their whole life was trying to make a better life for us."
The Rubios filled out applications for immigrant visas and alien registration, not tourist visas. "That expresses an intention to remain indefinitely," said Joseph Reina, an immigration lawyer in Dallas.
Is Senator Rubio going to support citizenship for anchor babies? The Dream Act? Public education? What a hypocrite!!!