BOSTON – Gov. Deval L. Patrick may unveil cuts in state aid to cities and towns on Friday when he appears in front of a statewide gathering of municipal officials.
In an interview, Patrick said state government is facing a shortfall of between $1 billion and $1.5 billion for the fiscal year that starts on July 1.
Patrick said he is preparing “a combination of cuts and other solves” to balance the state budget for fiscal 2012. Patrick said he will provide details on local aid when he speaks on Friday morning before the Massachusetts Municipal Association in Boston. It will be the fifth year in a row Patrick has spoken before the association’s yearly meeting.
“This budget is going to be about $1 billion to $1.5 billion less than the current budget, which means everything is going to be touched or is at risk of being touched,” Patrick said. “How much is something we are sorting out right now. I’ll talk about that. I’ll also talk about some tools we are developing to help cities and towns manage their costs down.”
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