The more things change, the more they stay the same, here in John Birch Country :( On, Wax Off
'Respect' for MLK: Surf Shop Celebrates With '20% Off All Black Products' Sale
By Chasen Marshall, Mon., Jan. 17 2011 @ 3:30PM
Comments (37)
Categories: Wax On, Wax Off

Dr. King was a surfer?!
For instance, when the country is celebrating the birthday of, arguably, the most influential civil-rights activist, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., boasting a sale with "20% Off All Black Products" is about as bad an idea as bad ideas go.
The ad :

Putting the head of Dr. King on the body of a surfer wearing a wetsuit to promote a MLK Day sale is worthy of a giggle. People like a well-Photoshopped gag. But the rest is pretty damn inexcusable.
The culprit? Thalia Surf Shop in Laguna Beach. It appeared on the website. Certainly a great shop, with plenty of cool events and gatherings--we recognized it as Best Surf Shop in OC in 2009--but this was not the wisest ad campaign.
As the individual who alerted the Weekly to the ad said, "This is not acceptable. It's not funny, amusing nor respectable."
Respect? Not quite.