U.S. multinational corporate/war profiteer interests, and that rotten election was soundly rejected by the people of Haiti, and the government is now even more rudderless, they may think now is the time to rehab "Baby Doc" in a rigged trial with a bought-and-paid-for judge, in order to install what the U.S. really wants to have in Haiti: another fascist dictator.
This has been the U.S. solution to rightwing death squads, fascist, U.S.-funded militaries and police forces, torture, murder, mass graves and every kind of oppression, in the past, in the Latin American/Caribbean region. Once the trade unionists and other leftist leadership is decapitated, and the population terrorized, and the truth about that starts to leak out, then some form of "truth and reconciliation" or luxurious exile is concocted, to preserve the pigs who did the "cleansing"--or their spawn--for rehab and "return." This is happening with regard to that monster, Alvaro Uribe, of Colombia, as we speak. He's teaching at Georgetown and Harvard, for goddssakes! The CIA has prevented him being prosecuted in Colombia by arranging asylum for the witnesses against him in Panama, over the objections of Colombian prosecutors! This is so Uribe can return when the time is ripe. It's happening in different forms and at different stages of completion of the project, in Honduras, Guatemala, Peru, Ecuador, Venezuela and other countries.
One form that it takes is outright billions of dollars flowing through the USAID and other U.S. agencies into the pockets of fascist groups who plot and carry out coup d'etats while pretending, where they have to, to be merely participating in democracy--democracy that simply wouldn't be happening if they had their way. Another form is the U.S. State Department's fucking lies about the Honduran junta. Another is the monsters in Guatemala--genocidal maniacs who slaughtered 200,000 Mayan villagers--running around free as the result of a "truth and reconciliation" process designed by U.S. client, Costa Rica. Time and billions of U.S. tax dollars and 24/7 corpo-fascist propaganda pave their way back to power.
In this case, the U.S. must have got wind that Aristide--the elected, legitimate president of Haiti whom the Bushwhacks brutally ousted--is intending to return to Haiti. He is the one leader who could pull Haiti together, restore its democracy and create a just government. But he has an independent mind and is committed to social justice. So, what they've apparently decided to do, in anticipation of this horror--the "horror" of restoration of the rightful order of things in Haiti--is stoke up bloodshed, mayhem and civil war.
"Baby Doc" cannot have returned to Haiti without U.S. facilitation. And their object isn't justice, believe me. Their object is disorder, with "Baby Doc" seizing power in that disorder, and, maybe, with some Clintonian democracy cosmetics, as in Honduras, having him proceed with the cleansing of leftists (i.e., democrats with a small d), as occurred under his and his father's heinous rules, and every time the U.S. has ousted Aristide or interfered with his rightful government, and has been occurring in Colombia for the last ten years, and is now occurring in Honduras as well.
"Baby Doc" returning is meant to prevent Aristide's peaceful return. The U.S. is behind it and the object is to restore fascist rule in Haiti. As to the final outcome, it's possible that the people of Haiti and the new leftist leadership in Latin America can eventually foil this nasty plan but Honduras is not a hopeful precedent. However, Honduras may have been a hard enough lesson in U.S. treachery for the rest of the region to be more determined and more effective this time, at protecting Latin American/Caribbean democracy and sovereingty.