Conservative think tank berate franny mae and freddy mac for not giving out enough sub-prime loans in 2000. Toots the horn of financial deregulation. Take that Bloomberg! Think Tank Credits Deregulation For Economic CrisisNovember 3, 2011
By Ray Medeirosat Politicus USA"SNIP..............
The conservatives are masters at creating a problem, then blaming the other guy for the mess. Look at our debt, it was doubled by Ronald Reagan, fixed by Clinton, and then the Clinton surplus was squandered by the Republicans and George W Bush. This is also the case with the Heritage Foundation advocating for the health insurance mandate in the early 1990s and is now the case regarding the CATO Institute’s accusations about the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977.
Back the year 2000, CATO published this white paper regarding the CRA, community reinvestment act, it stated among many things,
“Despite wide acceptance of the claims made by cra’s advocates, those claims are conceptually and observationally unfounded. Economic theory and empirical evidence indicate that the reason for recent growth in lending to low-income neighborhoods is not cra, but the effectiveness of market forces in breaking down the types of financial barriers that were prevalent when cra was enacted”
In reality, deregulation and new technologies have promoted competition and precipitated a great broadening of the credit market. As a result, cra is not necessary to ensure access to credit by all segments of our economy. Moreover, cra’s redundancy is not without significant costs, some of which are associated with a particularly regrettable type of regulatory burden involving the imposition of conflicting demands on banks.