From Facebook:
IMPORTANT UPDATES: Just to keep everyone informed, here's what's happened over the past couple weeks. We have been occupying town square at 6th and F street since October 22nd, which makes today day 12 of our continuous occupation. On Saturday October 29th we erected a tent with the first amendment painted on it, which is still standing. We have not slept in the tent, we have used it for storage, ...and we have now been told by police and the parks and recreation department that our occupation is legal.
Please join our non-violent civil disobedience training at A st. event hall at 5pm today!
Please join us at Town Square on Saturday at 1pm to help us plan for an exciting action in solidarity with bank transfer day. An event for Saturday is coming soon.
It has been hard for occupiers to communicate effectively with the larger group due to standing out in the cold with very few computers.
We were asked to move away from the park on Wednesday night. We politely informed the officers that we were under the impression that our occupation was legal. The officers told us they would come back an hour later after researching the laws, and while they were gone a group of us decided we would be willing to get arrested to stand up for our first amendment rights. The officers came back and told us that they were going to call parks and recreation in the morning and get back to us the next night.
Yesterday these same officers told us that our occupation was legal and that they wouldn't make us move. We have had a very cordial relationship with the police and are trying to obtain a permit for camping. The city's best offer so far has been to allow us to camp at 10th and I street, however they won't let us camp there unless we have liability insurance (which we have been unable to obtain from any insurance company) and a $750 weekly permit, which is just not doable.
I'll be going back down there on Saturday and will get photos. Please keep these occupiers in your thoughts tonight. We are expecting high winds, up to hhurricane force in some parts of town (although probably not that high where these folks are), and the temp is in the mid 20s. Snow is possible.