""Shortly after Obama took office, millennials expressed very positive emotions towards Obama," Tyson says. "They felt inspired or hopeful by him. Two years later, there's a sign that they've become, to use their own word, disappointed."
A lot of us are disappointed, not just millennials. Those who are far older, and far more cynical, than millennials are disappointed as well, and our hopes and expectations weren't that high. Yet Obama's center right positions, his unwillingness to fight, his continuation of major Bush era policies, these have all combined to disappoint those of us who had even low expectations of this president.
This is what is going to kill Obama's chances at reelection, disappointment. No matter who comes out of the Republican pack, Obama will be facing a weak candidate. But this feeling of disappointment will hang over the campaign, and a lot of people will simply stay home because of it.
Obama still has time left, and he is starting, perhaps, to finally recognize what he has to do in order to get rid of that disappointment. Hopefully he will act more forcefully to counter that disappointment that so many feel, but in order to do so he is going to have to swing hard to the left. If he does, then he has a solid chance. If not, then the one person who can defeat Obama will do so, and that person is Obama himself.