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Matt Taibbi: Mike Bloomberg's Marie Antoinette Moment

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Derechos Donating Member (892 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-04-11 12:02 PM
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Matt Taibbi: Mike Bloomberg's Marie Antoinette Moment

And it wasn’t hard to see why. Bloomberg’s great triumph as a politician has been the way he’s been able to win over exactly the sort of crowd that was gathering at the HuffPost event that night. He is a billionaire Wall Street creature with an extreme deregulatory bent who has quietly advanced some nastily regressive police policies (most notably the notorious "stop-and-frisk" practice) but has won over upper-middle-class liberals with his stances on choice and gay marriage and other social issues.

Bloomberg’s main attraction as a politician has been his ability to stick closely to a holy trinity of basic PR principles: bang heavily on black crime, embrace social issues dear to white progressives, and in the remaining working hours give your pals on Wall Street (who can raise any money you need, if you somehow run out of your own) whatever they want.

He understands that as long as you keep muggers and pimps out of the prime shopping areas in the Upper West Side, and make sure to sound the right notes on abortion, stem-cell research, global warming, and the like, you can believably play the role of the wisecracking, good-guy-billionaire Belle of the Ball for the same crowd that twenty years ago would have been feting Ed Koch.

Anyway, I thought of all of this this morning, when I read about Bloomberg’s latest comments on Occupy Wall Street. I remembered how pleased Bloomberg looked with himself at the HuffPost ball last year when I read what he had to say about the anticorruption protesters now muddying his doorstep in Zuccotti Park:

Mayor Michael Bloomberg said this morning that if there is anyone to blame for the mortgage crisis that led the collapse of the financial industry, it's not the "big banks," but congress.

Read more:
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femrap Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-04-11 12:26 PM
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1. Fannie and Freddie
don't make loans. Thx Matt.
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gateley Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-04-11 04:09 PM
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2. +1 nt
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applegrove Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-04-11 07:20 PM
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3. Here is a link to a time when the right took credit for deregulation and the housing boom.
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