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Paul Krugman : "the extreme concentration of income is incompatible with real democracy"

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Better Believe It Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-04-11 12:33 PM
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Paul Krugman : "the extreme concentration of income is incompatible with real democracy"

Oligarchy, American Style
by Paul Krugman
November 4, 2011

Whenever growing income disparities threaten to come into focus, a reliable set of defenders tries to bring back the blur. Think tanks put out reports claiming that inequality isn’t really rising, or that it doesn’t matter. Pundits try to put a more benign face on the phenomenon, claiming that it’s not really the wealthy few versus the rest, it’s the educated versus the less educated.

Workers with college degrees have indeed, on average, done better than workers without, and the gap has generally widened over time. But highly educated Americans have by no means been immune to income stagnation and growing economic insecurity. Wage gains for most college-educated workers have been unimpressive (and nonexistent since 2000), while even the well-educated can no longer count on getting jobs with good benefits. In particular, these days workers with a college degree but no further degrees are less likely to get workplace health coverage than workers with only a high school degree were in 1979.

The budget office report tells us that essentially all of the upward redistribution of income away from the bottom 80 percent has gone to the highest-income 1 percent of Americans. That is, the protesters who portray themselves as representing the interests of the 99 percent have it basically right, and the pundits solemnly assuring them that it’s really about education, not the gains of a small elite, have it completely wrong.

The larger answer, however, is that extreme concentration of income is incompatible with real democracy. Can anyone seriously deny that our political system is being warped by the influence of big money, and that the warping is getting worse as the wealth of a few grows ever larger?

Read the full article at:
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FiveGoodMen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-04-11 12:36 PM
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1. And that's the real reason why the 1% are draining everyone else dry.
It's not for the extra bucks, it's for the end of democracy and the beginning of their unopposed rule.
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Tippy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-04-11 12:47 PM
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2. K&R
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