Justice Department Oversight
Senate Judiciary Committee - Hearing < 10:00 am, 11/08/2011 >
Full committee hearing on oversight of the Justice Department.
Witness(es): Attorney General Eric Holder testifies
Location: 226 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Contact: 202-224-7703
http://judiciary.senate.gov (+WASE001+)
Pending Nominations
Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee - Hearing < 02:00 pm, 11/08/2011 >
Full committee hearing on the nominations of Nancy Maria Ware to be director of the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia; Michael Hughes to be U.S. marshal for the Superior Court of the District of Columbia; and Danya Dayson, Peter Krauthamer and John McCabe all to be an associate judge of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia.
Witness(es): The nominees testify
Location: 342 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Contact: 202-224-2627
http://www.hsgac.senate.gov (+WASE021+)
Pending Business
Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee - Markup < 10:00 am, 11/09/2011 >
Full committee markup of pending calendar business.
Location: 342 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Contact: 202-224-2627
http://www.hsgac.senate.gov (+WASE009+)
Digital Health Information Privacy
Senate Judiciary Committee - Hearing < 02:30 pm, 11/09/2011 >
Privacy, Technology and the Law Subcommittee hearing on "Your Health and Your Privacy: Protecting Health Information in a Digital World."
Witness(es): TBA
Location: 226 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Contact: 202-224-7703
http://judiciary.senate.gov (+WASE011+)
Transportation Security Administration
Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee - Hearing < 02:30 pm, 11/09/2011 >
Full committee hearing on "Securing Our Nation's Transportation System: Oversight of TSA's (Transportation Security Administration) Current Efforts."
Witness(es): TSA Administrator John Pistole testifies
Location: 253 Russell Senate Office Building
Contact: 202-224-0411
http://commerce.senate.gov (+WASE024+)
VA Mental Health Care
Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee - Hearing < 10:00 am, 11/10/2011 >
Full committee hearing on "VA Mental Health Care: Addressing Wait Times and Access to Care."
Witness(es): TBA
Location: 418 Russell Senate Office Building
Contact: 202-224-9126 http://veterans.senate.gov (+WASE017+)