Tuesday January 18, 2011
By Jason Kuiper
ACLU Nebraska is asking for an independent investigation into an allegation that two Omaha police officers had planted evidence, calling it the way to restore public confidence in the department.
The state chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union also is urging a more thorough examination of the Douglas County crime lab to make sure that evidence tampering did not extend beyond the lab's convicted former director.
Amy Miller, ACLU Nebraska's legal director, characterized the two cases as scandals that have dragged out for months without clear answers.
The public deserves to know if any wrongdoing occurred, Miller said. If not, those involved or associated with the cases should have their reputations restored.
The ACLU sent letters demanding neutral, outside reviews to Omaha Police Chief Alex Hayes, Douglas County Attorney Don Kleine and Nebraska Attorney General Jon Bruning.
“These allegations go to the very core of the integrity of our justice system,” Miller wrote to Kleine. “They require a serious and independent investigation from a trusted body outside of the mere internal review process within the Douglas County Sheriff's Office or the Omaha Police Department.”
The letter was made public Monday.
FULL story at link.