The vote on rescinding Health Care Reform is nothing more than a dog and pony show for the faithful to the cause. Considering there is no possibility it would pass in the Senate, which says nothing of the fact the president would veto it virtually immediately, the vote itself is even less than symbolic, it is merely another stupid waste of time and effort. To take this just a step further, the "debate" on repeal is non-existent, simply because if there was a true debate, the GOP would come out of it proving they have not a clue of what they are doing. If people were to find out that millions of children would lose any hope at receiving health care, and seniors would expend large amounts of cash having to pick up medications that are now being covered, helping to o only extend their lives, but raise the standard of that life.
(caveat: I am not ecstatic about what passed as HCR, but I understand that steps forward are better than standing still, or worse, leaping backward).
The GOP House "agenda"...there are a few knocks and rumbles about fiscal reform, but considering this is the party that created the situations that nearly destroyed this nation financially, it would do us well to keep a very close eye on anything the clowns come up with. In fact, when it comes to increasing budget expenditures, I look forward to watching Boehner squirm, knowing full well that although there was much rhetoric of "reform" and "shutting down the government", the memory of Gingrich's self destruction is foremost in his thought thought process. He knows that if he actually followed through and backed some of the Teabagger ideas and a few from slightly saner R's, he is looking at a single term as Speaker.
The future of the GOP/Teabagger; well it is grim indeed. Without a firm agenda, or at a minimum, something that can actually pass that will benefit the population, the GOP once again, found the perfect was to sit on a barrel of gas with a book of matches, and it looks like Issa may be the one that will strike that match, (but that asshole is a whole new story).