While Rome burns citizens should not fiddle, but believe another world may be possible and work together for that world.by Pepe Escobar
Here's a crash course on global finance 2.0. The debt is in the Atlanticist, wealthy North. The resources are in the global South. And the (reluctant) supreme banker of the last resort is the Middle Kingdom, as personified by the Almighty Hu (Jintao).
The name of the game - Marx revisited by Occupy the World - is class struggle. It's casino capitalism, aka finance turbo-neoliberalism, as practiced by a liquid modernity elite of one per cent, versus the have-a-little-something, have-nots and have-nothing, aka the 99 per cent.
There could not be a more graphic demonstration than last week's Greek tragedy takeover of the Cannes debt festival of Slavoj Zizek's thesis that the marriage of capitalism and democracy is over. If there is something capable of terminally terrorising the European Union (EU) oligarchy it is the concept of a popular referendum.
How dare you consult the "rabble" about our Austerity Forever policy, the only one capable of satisfying the financial markets!